In order to apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate under UK Law, you will have to provide the following:

Under current UK law, trans people applying for a Gender Recognition Certificate have to provide:

  • the completed form

  • their original birth certificate

  • their deed poll

  • “Proof” that you’ve “lived in your acquired gender” for 2 years (this takes the form of your passport, driving licence, bills, payslips, other correspondence)

  • 2 medical reports, one of which has to be a medical practitioner from the “approved list”. Please note that you may have to pay a fee for each medical report.

  • A fee of £140 - (Help in paying the fees)

If you need further advice in the application process, please contact the Gender Recognition Panel:

Email: [email protected] 

Tel: +44 (0) 300 1234 503